TruthSift API version 2.0 beta

INSTANCES - Working with Corporate Instances
  1. Get My Instances
  2. Get Count Of Members In an Instance
  3. Get List Of Members In an Instance

WORKSPACES - Working with Workspaces
  1. Get Count Of My Workspaces
  2. Get List Of My Workspaces
  3. Get Count Of My Shared Workspaces
  4. Get List Of My Shared Workspaces
  5. Get Count Of Members In a Workspace
  6. Get List Of Members In a Workspace
  7. Get List Of Workspaces as a Dropdown
  8. Create New Workspace
  9. Get Workspace Details
  10. Update Workspace
  11. Delete Workspace
  12. Add User To Workspace
  13. Delete User From Workspace
  14. Replicate Workspace
  15. Archive Workspace
  16. Unarchive Workspace
  17. Get Count of Archived Workspaces
  18. Get List of Archived Workspaces
  19. Change Owner of Workspace

MEMBERSHIP - Functions related to membership and personal profile
  1. Get My Profile
  2. Update Profile
  3. Get My Notifications
  4. Change Password
  5. Clear My Notifications
  6. Mark All My Notifications As Read
  7. Mark A Single Notification As Read
GRAPHS - Functions related to graphs and statements
  1. Get Count Of My Graphs
  2. Get List Of My Graphs
  3. Search My Graphs
  4. Get Count Of My Shared Graphs
  5. Get List Of My Shared Graphs
  6. Get Count Of My Closed Graphs
  7. Get List Of My Closed Graphs
  8. Add New Graph
  9. Get Graph Details
  10. Update Graph
  11. Delete Graph
  12. Get Shared Members Of A Graph
  13. Add Shared Member To A Graph
  14. Delete Shared Member From A Graph
  15. Get Ranking Parameters Of a Graph
  16. Add Ranking Parameter To a Graph
  17. Update Ranking Parameter In a Graph
  18. Delete Ranking Parameter From a Graph
  19. Assign Ranking Score
  20. Get Ranking Score For a Parameter
  21. Get Statements Of A Graph
  22. Get Single Statement
  23. Add Statement To A Graph
  24. Update Statement In A Graph
  25. Delete Statement From A Graph
  26. Replicate Graph
  27. Change Owner of Graph

The TruthSift API is an HTTP-based API which allows third party applications and websites to use the TruthSift functionality remotely. The API only provides data updation and retrieval - it does not provide any UI or display attributes. It is up to the calling application to present the API data as desired.


The domain url for all the API calls is eg.

Each function in the API is listed in the sidebar. Clicking on a function which open a page which will show detailed specifications of how the function is supposed to be used.